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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

LCW Showdown Television Results 11.25.09

LCW Showdown Television Results (November 25, 2009) live from the Iowa Veterans Memorial Auditorium in Des Moines, IA.

Tonight's episode of LCW Showdown is dedicated in loving memory to Los Angeles promoter Mike LeBell (1930-2009).

From the broadcast booth, Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko welcomed everyone to another three-hour edition of LCW Showdown as "Monsters" by Matchbook Romance, the LCW Showdown theme song, played in the background and as fireworks exploded all over the arena. Schiavone and Zbyszko reminded the television audience of the LCW Showdown Championship Draft Series in which each champion defends his title against a challenger that was determined weeks ago in the LCW Showdown Championship Draft.

In the back, Sean Mooney interviewed Bret Hart and Macho Man Randy Savage about the Dynamite Kid, who attacked Savage last week backstage with a vicious chair shot before being chased away by security and Hart. Savage said it was going to take more than a steel chair to kill the Madness. Savage said he only wanted one thing and that was the Dynamite Kid one-on-one at LCW Redemption Day.

Bret Hart and Macho Man Randy Savage defeated Black Bart and Dirty Dutch Mantel (with Col. Robert Parker and Maw Bass) in 6:19 by pinfall when Savage pinned Mantel after the flying elbow smash while Hart had Bart locked in the Sharpshooter. After the match, the Dynamite Kid came out and accepted Savage's challenge to a match at the LCW Redemption Day pay-per-view this Sunday. Savage left ringside to chase Dynamite to the back as the show went to commercial.


In the back, Sean Mooney interviewed LCW Universal Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin who talked about being blindsided last week by the Honky Tonk Man when Honky Tonk blasted Austin over the head with his guitar. Austin said he was going to beat Honky Tonk tonight, retain his title, sign the contract and go to the LCW Redemption Day pay-per-view this Sunday and retain his title Sunday against Magnum TA.

Kevin Von Erich defeated LCW Heritage Champion King Kong Bundy in 9:38 by submission with the Claw after Bundy missed an attempted Atlantic City Avalanche splash to win the LCW Heritage Championship. Before the match, Bret Hart said he wanted a shot at the LCW Heritage Championship came out and challenged the winner of the match to a match at the LCW Redemption Day pay-per-view this Sunday. Both men accepted the challenge and Hart joined Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko in the broadcast booth to provide guest commentary during the match. During the match, Hart talked with Schiavone and Zbyszko about the possibility of facing either Von Erich or Bundy. Hart said he would welcome either challenge, but would really like to face Von Erich because it would be a great match featuring representatives of two great wrestling families. Hart would get his wish when Von Erich won the match and the title. After the match, Hart applauded Von Erich as he was handed the title and celebrated with the crowd as the show went to commercial.


Former LCW Women's Champion Ivory was in the ring with a bandage on her left cheek and was looking less than thrilled. "Lock! I don't know what your problem is. What I do know is that you cost me the Women's Title and I am NOT going to let that just slide. Get your boney ass down here NOW!" A burst of flame exploded from under the ring and Lock crawled out and into the ring. "Ivory, Ivory, Ivory," she said condescendingly, "You need to realize that I want to do EVERYTHING I can to destroy Luna." Confused and enraged Ivory replied, "Then why the hell did you help her win?!" Lock grinned and said, "What better way to hurt her than to give her exactly what she wants only to rip it away from her? Plus its A LOT more fun! So, nothing personal, okay?" Ivory's jaw fell in shock and she responded, "Nothing personal? Nothing personal?!? You burned my face and cost me the Women's Title you little bitch! I'm gonna beat your brains out right here, right now!"

Lock defeated Ivory in 4:34 by pinfall after the Lock Pick. After the match, LCW Women's Champion Luna Vachon was on the stage and said "I have no problem fighting both of you at Redemption Day. Harley Race said Ivory gets a rematch and I agreed on one condition: that I also get you, Lock! This ends Sunday!" Lock just laughed at her. Ivory took advantage of the distraction and hit Lock with the Poison Ivory.


Stan Hansen (with Col. Robert Parker and Maw Bass) defeated Wild Bill Irwin in 5:04 by pinfall after the Lariat clothesline to become the number one contender for the LCW United States Championship.

In the back, the Midnight Express, with their manager Dennis Condrey, were shown making their way through the arena corridor. Sean Mooney approached them about their recent absence from LCW programming. Condrey said when they lost the LCW World Tag Team Championships last year to the Nasty Boys they took their ball and they went home, but at the LCW Showdown Championship Draft a few weeks ago their number was drawn and tonight they're back. Condrey said the Midnight Express was back and better than ever and ready to take back what belongs to them.


The Midnight Express (with Dennis Condrey) defeated LCW World Tag Team Champions Cowboy Bob Orton and Dirty Dick Slater in 13:28 by pinfall when Bobby Eaton pinned Dick Slater after the Rocket Launcher. After the match, LCW General Manager Harley Race came out and said, "Eaton, Lane, Condrey, before you start celebrating too much, let me be the first to welcome you back, congratulate you on becoming the new LCW World Tag Team Champions once again, and introduce you to your opponents at the LCW Redemption Day pay-per-view this Sunday...the Nasty Boys!" The Nasty Boys came out and joined Race on the entrance stage as the Midnight Express looked on in shock. Brian Knobbs said, "Enjoy the gold while you've got it because this Sunday you're walking into Nastyville and just like last time you visited, you're not leaving with your titles."


In the back, Cowboy Bob Orton and Dirty Dick Slater were arguing about their loss to the Midnight Express when the Bass Brothers attacked them from behind. The two teams brawled as security officials appeared and pulled them apart.

LCW United States Champion Superstar Billy Graham defeated Tully Blanchard (with Baby Doll) in 8:21 by pinfall after a powerslam. After the match, Stan Hansen attacked Graham and took his head off with the Lariat clothesline. Hansen picked up the LCW United States Championship and looked at it for a moment before dropping it on Graham's chest. Hansen walked out of the ring as the show went to commercial.


Big Van Vader defeated Austin Idol in 4:01 by pinfall after the Vader Bomb. After the match, Vader went to hit Idol with another Vader Bomb, but Wildfire Tommy Rich ran into the ring and knocked Vader off the top rope. Rich hit Vader with a dropkick that sent him over the top rope and out of the ring. An angry Vader stormed off as the show went to commercial.


Lioness Asuka (with Chigusa Nagayo and Jaguar Yokota) defeated Aja Kong (with Devil Masami and Dump Matsumoto) in 5:21 by pinfall after the Towerhacker Bomb. Before the match, LCW Joshi Champion Madusa joined Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko in the broadcast booth to provide guest commentary. Madusa said that Asuka, Nagayo, Yokota and herself would face Akira Hokuto, Masami, Matsumoto and Kong in an eight-Woman tag team match at the LCW Redemption Day pay-per-view this Sunday.


LCW International Champion Barry Windham (with J.J. Dillon) defeated Marty Jannetty in 5:31 by pinfall after the Superplex. After the match, Paul Orndorff came out and said that he tried to use King Kong Bundy as a weapon last week to take him out, but this Sunday he'll have to do it all by himself. Orndorff said he was cleared to wrestle, but he was ready to fight...right now! Orndorff started to make his way down the entrance ramp as security officials came out and held him back. Windham and Dillon challenged him to come into the ring.

In the back, Big Van Vader confronted LCW General Manager Harley Race and said he was tired of dealing with these little nobodies and he deserved to be main eventing. Race said he wasn't sure if Vader should be main eventing, but he'd give him the opportunity to prove himself. Race told Vader that he would face Wildfire Tommy Rich at the LCW Redemption Day pay-per-view this Sunday. Race said he had more important things to take care of and wished Vader luck this Sunday.


Mad Maxine defeated Rockin' Robin in 0:14 by pinfall after a kick to the gut and a chokebomb. From the broadcast booth, Tony Shiavone noted that the match time might be an LCW record. Larry Zbyszko said that Mad Maxine had the most eliminations in the battle royal at the LCW Night of Horrors pay-per-view last month and is going to be a Lady Legend to watch for sure!

From the broadcast booth, Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko reviewed footage of the feud between Bill Goldberg and Dr. Death Steve Williams which will culminate in a match at the LCW Redemption Day pay-per-view this Sunday.

LCW General Manager Harley Race came out with a clipboard in his hand. Race said on the clipboard was the contract for the LCW Universal Championship match this Sunday at the LCW Redemption Day pay-per-view. He said the challenger, Magnum TA, was already known and he signed the contract last week. Race said tonight, the champion, whether it be Austin or the Honky Tonk Man after this match, would sign the contract.


Creed's "Overcome," the official theme song for this Sunday's LCW Redemption Day pay-per-view played in the background, as Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko, from the broadcast booth, reviewed the complete card:
- Wildfire Tommy Rich vs. Big Van Vader.
- Madusa, Lioness Asuka, Chigusa Nagayo and Jaguar Yokota vs. Akira Hokuto, Devil Masami, Aja Kong, Dumo Matsumoto. If Hokuto's team wins, she gets a rematch for LCW Joshi Championship.
- Cowboy Bob Orton and Dirty Dick Slater vs. The Bass Brothers (with Col. Robert Parker and Maw Bass) with the losing team having to break up and never team again.
- Macho Man Randy Savage vs. Dynamite Kid.
- LCW World Tag Team Champions Midnight Express (with Dennis Condrey) vs. The Nasty Boys.
- LCW Heritage Champion Kevin Von Erich vs. Bret Hart.
- LCW United States Champion Superstar Billy Graham vs. Stan Hansen (with Col. Robert Parker and Maw Bass).
- LCW Womens Champion Luna Vachon vs. Ivory vs. Lock in a triple threat match.
- LCW International Champion Barry Windham vs. Paul Orndorff.
- Bill Goldberg vs. Dr. Death Steve Williams.
- LCW Universal Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin (or the Honky Tonk Man) vs. Magnum TA.

LCW Universal Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin defeated the Honky Tonk Man (with Jimmy Hart) in 6:59 by pinfall after the Stone Cold Stunner. During the match, Jimmy Hart distracted the referee and Honky Tonk grabbed his guitar. Austin kicked Honky Tonk in the gut and he dropped the guitar. Austin picked up the guitar and blasted Honky Tonk with the guitar before hitting him with the Stone Cold Stunner for the pinfall and the win. After the match, Race handed Austin the contract and a pen and Austin signed the contract as Magnum TA came out and stood on the entrance stage. The two men stared at each other as Tony Schiavone invited everyone to join LCW for the Redemption Day pay-per-view this Sunday and wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving as the show went off the air.


What did you think of the show? Did you really like one of the matches? Did you really hate a specific segment? Do you like what we're doing with a particular storyline? Do you miss a favorite legend? Give us an overview or review the whole show. Let your voice be heard. Let us know what you think. Use the Comment link below to send us your thoughts on this week's show!


"Overcome" by Creed from their new album, Full Circle , is the official theme song for the LCW Redemption Day 2009 pay-per-view on Sunday, November 29th, only on LCWRedemptionDay.com. Click here to purchase the album now!


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